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Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Carry Over in 2021

Digital evolution is a real thing. After conducting thorough research via several Digital Marketing Services in USA, the digital world is constantly changing, and all the digital marketing services out there have to adapt to this new normal. The ones who are struggling might have to give in early.

This blog will address the digital landscape that is constantly evolving. And these top 5 digital trends that will carry over in 2021. Digital marketing services in USA have to create their online presence using these trends as tools to get the maximum exposure for business possible. So without wasting any time, let’s get started.

Digital Marketing Services

Facebook Might be Spying on You

Facebook is no longer at the apex position as it used to be. According to a report published by Forbes, observed that more than 40% of its users are aged above 65. No doubt, this number tells Facebook is struggling to hold on to younger demographics who are leaning more towards visual & interactive experience that is now offered by apps like Snack Video and Snapchat.

After the data breach debacle in 2018, and its connections with Cambridge Analytica to run political campaigns, fake news, and cyberbullying, Facebook has quite lost its credibility. Also, this incident was another downfall factor for Facebook.

From the perspective of digital marketing services in USA, Facebook is a bit unstable. However, digital marketing services in USA are advised to recognize and target customers that might like what you are trying to sell.

Chatbots are the Future of Customer Service

Chatbots are sophistically programmed AI that can assist a customer and clarify their doubts if any. They interact with humans in a normal way, most of them talk in a textual way, but verbal chatbots are also possible. More importantly, they interact with humans and improve the service constantly.

Digital marketing services in USA suggest chatbots can work as an effective tool because they can provide 24 hr service, give instant responses to queries, and more importantly, they take no breaks, overtime pay, or go on vacation. According to research by Tidio, 45% of customers prefer to text online rather than calling a customer representative.

Informative video delivery is now a necessity

Text-based video delivery is not effective enough as compared to video-based delivery, especially when it comes to selling a product. In this era of smartphones, people are watching and sharing videos more than ever. So, there is a good chance they will be able to discover your brand and know what you have to offer.

According to some stats by few digital marketing services in USA, implicates that more than 70% of individuals share brand videos, more than 50% of consumers have said that they gain confidence and guidance while making a purchase, and more than 72% of digital marketing services in USA think video content improves their chances of converting.

Content is King

Good content matters more than ever in the current digital world. Content marketing is one of the important aspects of digital strategies. As the quality of the content has to be maintained, Google is now developing a more sophisticated algorithm for a better understanding of the online content. The digital marketing services in USA need to use a target-based approach and cross-check everything and decide to show your content.

Google is now getting smarter and advises to make your content informative, crisp, and plagiarism-free. Keep in mind to target the latest trends in 2021 and make more interactive content.

Promote Brand in Messaging Apps

Promoting Brand in Messaging apps

Messaging apps are mainly used for staying in touch with friends and family. Digital marketing services in USA are taking an interest in apps like Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp for exploring more opportunities.

If you follow the number, there are more than a billion users who stay active on Facebook messenger, sending out more than 10 billion messages every month, and WhatsApp has around 1.5 billion active users that send over 50 billion messages every month. Traditional techniques, like sending out emails and contacting on social media, are now becoming obsolete.

In the coming 5 to 6 years later, messenger apps are the new channel for marketing. Messaging apps generate 70% to 80% more engagement as compared to any organic post on Facebook. In the year 2021, digital marketing companies might push interactive content via messaging apps.

Bottom Line

If you are in a promotion business, you have to move fast and target younger demographics to retain more of the profits. Changing, adapting, and recognizing the opportunity is the key to be one of the successful digital marketing services in USA. Hopefully, this blog has given you some idea on how to develop an approach for 2021.


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