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Showing posts from December, 2020

Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Carry Over in 2021

Digital evolution is a real thing. After conducting thorough research via several Digital Marketing Services in USA , the digital world is constantly changing, and all the digital marketing services out there have to adapt to this new normal. The ones who are struggling might have to give in early. This blog will address the digital landscape that is constantly evolving. And these top 5 digital trends that will carry over in 2021. Digital marketing services in USA have to create their online presence using these trends as tools to get the maximum exposure for business possible. So without wasting any time, let’s get started. Facebook Might be Spying on You Facebook is no longer at the apex position as it used to be. According to a report published by Forbes, observed that more than 40% of its users are aged above 65. No doubt, this number tells Facebook is struggling to hold on to younger demographics who are leaning more towards visual & interactive experience that is now offered

An Overview of React Native Framework for Mobile App Development

Every software is designed by compiling certain attributes and functionalities according to requirements, for example, software used by a banking sector would have the functions to calculate loan interest amount, fixed deposit, mutual fund details, etc or a fashion store might need software that would segregate its inventory according to size and material. But in order to do that, the software must be designed on a specific framework that would have all the necessary functionalities needed to put in it. This is where the “Software Framework” comes in. It is a set of basic fundamental codes for software development where it provides a generic functionality and can be changed by the coders wherever needed. So What is React Native Framework React Native is an open-source mobile application framework developed by Facebook. Initially, it was released in 2015 as a beta version but after years of R & D, its stable version was released in 2020. It is based on the JavaScript framework to wr